Creating a Site Print

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To create your website using RVSiteBuilder, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this guide.

1. Click on the 'RVSiteBuilder' icon, which can be found in the Software/Services section of your cPanel home screen.

2. Click on the 'Create Web Site' icon.


a) In the 'Project Name' field, enter a unique name for your project.

b) From the 'Web Site Language' drop down, choose your preferred language for your new site.

c) In the 'Web Site Title' field, enter the name of your site, which will be displayed in the browser title bar.

d) In the 'Company' field, enter the name of your company, this will show at the top of your web site, HTML tags are allowed in this field.

e) In the 'Slogan' field, enter a slogan, this will show at the top of your web site, HTML tags are allowed in this field.

f) Use the 'Logo' field to upload a logo for your site.

Note: Company name, slogan and logo can all be added or amended at a later stage, if you prefer.

g) Click 'Save' to move to


a) Select a template for your site, you can search the templates by category and also view them in different colours.

b) Once you are happy with your selection, click the template to select it and move to


a) Where you can customise your site, first you can change the colour scheme for your template.

b) You can choose a different picture for the header.

c) You can choose from several different styles for your navigation buttons, select a variation to preview it on your site.

d) You have the option of selecting a different font for the site content.

e) When you are satisfied with the style of your site click 'Save' to move to


a) From the 'Default Page Structure' select the pages you require and individually move them to 'Your Selection' by clicking the 'Move' arrow.

b) Select any special pages you require from the 'Component' section and add them to your site by clicking the 'Move' arrow.

c) When you have selected your pages, you can change the order, rename the pages and even delete them.

d) Click 'Save' to move to


Note: In this step you will edit the selected pages in your site, you can choose to view tutorials or go directly to build your website.

a) Click the 'Build your website' icon to begin editing your pages.

b) You can now edit the first page using the tools available in the WYSWYG editor.

c) Click 'Save' regularily to avoid losing your changes.

d) Select the other pages to edit from the list on the left.

e) When you have finished editing all of your pages and saved them, click


a) You can now edit your Page Titles, set up Meta Tags for search engines, add a Page Effect and change the File Names for each page.

b) Click the 'Preview' button at any time to see what your site looks like in your web browser.

c) When you are happy with the site, you are ready to publish it on the internet by clicking


a) Select the domain from the drop down box which will host your site.

b) Click 'Publish' and your site will open in a new tab, live on the internet.

Note: You can return to any or all of these steps, at any time, to edit your site.

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