Using File Manager Print

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To use File Manager, first you will need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this guide.

1. Click on the 'File Manager' icon, which can be found in the Files section of your cPanel home screen.

Note: The File Manager interface will open in a new window. Using File Manager will enable you to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions etc.

2. To view your website files, click on the 'public_html' folder in the left hand pane. (if your folder is not visible click the '+' next to home to expand the directory tree).

Create a new folder

1. To create a new folder, click the 'New Folder' icon in the toolbar at the top.

2. Give your new folder a name and click the 'Create New Folder' icon to create and save the folder.

Rename a folder

1. To rename a folder, click it to highlight it.

2. Click the 'Rename' icon on the toolbar.

3. Enter the new name and click the 'Rename File' icon.

Upload a file

1. To upload a file to your new folder, double click to open it.

2. Click the 'Upload' icon in the toolbar.

3. Click 'Browse' to search your computer for the file.

4. Click on the file you wish to upload and then click 'Open'. (you can upload more files to this folder by repeating steps 3 and 4)

5. Click on the 'Back' icon to return to File Manager, where you will see your uploaded file.

Change Permissions of a file

1. Click the file you wish to amend to highlight it.

2. Click the 'Change Permissions' icon in the toolbar.

3. Either enter the permissions manually, or check the boxes to allow the permissions you require.

4. Click the 'Change Permissions' button to apply the changes.

Delete a Folder

1. Click the folder you want to delete to highlight it.

2. Click the 'Delete' icon in the toolbar.

3. Confirm the delete by clicking the 'Delete File(s)' button.

4. Your folder, including all files has been deleted, you can delete individual files in a similar way by highlighting them and then repeating steps 2 and 3.

Moving Files

1. You can move files by clicking them, then dragging and dropping them from the right pane to the desired folder in the left pane.

2. Or you can click the file you wish to move to highlight it.

3. Click the 'Move File' icon in the toolbar.

4. Type the path to the destination directory and click the 'Move File(s)' icon to confirm and move the file.

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