Redirecting Mail Print

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Redirecting mail allows a copy of email sent to an address to be forwarded to another email address.

To Redirect Mail, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this guide.

1. Click on the 'Forwarders' icon, which can be found in the Mail section of your cPanel home screen.

2. To set up a new forwarder, click the 'Add Forwarder' button.

3. In the 'Address to Forward' field, type the address of the email you wish to forward, ensure the correct domain is selected in the drop down box.

4. You then have 5 options to choose from:

Basic Options:

a) To 'Forward to email address' select this and enter the address to which the mail should be forwarded.

b) To 'Discard with error to sender' select this to discard incoming messages and send a failure notice to the sender.

Advanced Options:

a) To 'Forward to a system user' select this and enter the appropriate username of any user on the server.

b) To 'Pipe to a program' select this and define a path to the program.

c) To 'Discard' select this, and the message will be discarded, however be aware that this is not recommended as no failure notice is sent and the user will be unaware that the delivery has failed.

5. Click the 'Add Forwarder' button to set up and save your forwarder.

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